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KALAGNY Code of Conduct

KALAGNY is committed to being a welcoming, safe, supportive, and empowering organization that embraces its mission and values. Deeply committed to its mission of promoting justice, equity and opportunity for the Korean American Community and Korean American lawyers in Greater New York, KALAGNY recognizes and fully embraces the notion that high standards of personal and professional behavior, including good character, honesty, integrity, mutual respect, and professional courtesy, promote a healthy spirit of community conducive to the collective well-being of its members and the organization. KALAGNY expects that each person is to be respected regardless of that individual’s race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical appearance, disability, religious beliefs, political affiliation, and/or other group identity.

In adopting these Standards of Professionalism (“Standards”), KALAGNY also acknowledges that behavior by a member contravening these Standards may serve to undermine and bring unwarranted discredit to the Korean American Community, KALAGNY and its members, and should therefore not be tolerated.

KALAGNY therefore expects each of its members to adhere to the following guiding principles:

  • Always act professionally, being respectful, civil, and considerate of others;
  • Ensure KALAGNY endures as a welcoming, inclusive, supportive, and empowering organization; and
  • Hold oneself and other members accountable to these Standards.

KALAGNY is committed to fostering a robust member community premised on the principles of self-respect and shared regard and genuine appreciation for fellow members. Therefore, KALAGNY prohibits:

  • Illegal, unethical, or dishonorable behavior in all KALAGNY matters and events;
  • Harassment, discrimination, ridicule, or bullying in any form at any time against any of its members or guests who may attend KALAGNY events;
  • Any activity or conduct that may jeopardize, undermine, or compromise the safety, health, or well-being of oneself or others, or the good standing or reputation of KALAGNY; and
  • Retaliation against anyone who seeks advice from, raises a concern with, or makes a good-faith complaint of any nature against KALAGNY or any individual associated with KALAGNY. 

KALAGNY expects its members to abide by the letter and spirit of these Standards and all relevant KALAGNY governing documents and policies, as well as comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, and regulations.  In order to become a member of KALAGNY or to renew membership, members shall affirmatively agree to these Standards as part of the membership process.

KALAGNY Policy Against Sexual Harassment

KALAGNY is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment at all its events and does not tolerate sexual harassment in any form. Participants who engage in sexual harassment at an event may be expelled from the event and banned from future events. KALAGNY may take other action in response to incidents of sexual harassment, including reporting the matter to venue security or local law enforcement and providing safety escorts to participants during the event. Action taken to enforce this policy (“Policy”) will occur after an investigation with notice and an opportunity to be heard for the accused unless KALAGNY determines that the immediate safety or security of participants or other individuals may be at risk.

  • Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to:
  • Inappropriate or unwelcome verbal or written comments of a sexual nature including sexual teasing or joking;
  • Inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact in any form;
  • Unwelcome sexual attention, advances, or requests;
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following in-person or through any medium of communication; and
  • Taking, filming, or showing photography or video of a sexual nature or that is intended to offend, intimidate, threaten, or coerce.

Reporting and Notification Procedure: If someone makes you or any participant feel unsafe or unwelcome at an event, please report it as soon as possible. You can submit a report of a violation of any of these Standards/Policy by written notice to the Ethics Committee of KALAGNY by sending an email of the matter to kalagnyethics@gmail.com. Your report will be confidential and will be viewed by KALAGNY's Board and others only as necessary to properly review and investigate the report. As part of the complaint reporting process, your identity will be kept confidential by the Board unless you authorize its disclosure. Please provide as much detail and information about the incident (what happened, who, where, when, etc.) and the names of possible witnesses. Confrontation with the subject of your complaint will not be required as part of the investigation process.

Consequences of Violating Standards and/or Policy:  Violation of the Standards/Policy may result in immediate dismissal from a KALAGNY event, program, or committee and/or the suspension or termination of membership in accordance with the KALAGNY bylaws and/or policies.

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